Sunday, October 20, 2013

Knowing If You Had A Past Life

By Elena McDowell

Sometimes it is great to have lived a past life if the current one is really awful. Even though many individuals would like to go through this experience others are not too comfortable with reincarnation. They feel that death will happen over and over for them without a real end. This can be very frightening since there are so many ways to die.

No one really wants to come back as a dog or any other type of animal that walks on all four legs. They really do not want to have a cat's existence either since these creatures are so finicky. Furthermore people do not wish to be a murderer if they returned to this planet.

Many psychiatrists have tried their best to work with people who claim to have been on this planet in a different body. These individuals will be put into a trance and they will begin to explore a variety of personalities once this is done. Reincarnation is very big in India and they have documented several cases where people claim to be old souls inhabiting new bodies.

Human beings would like to think that they were somebody special if they had indeed lived on this planet before. In reality they were just common people who had led simple lives without any types of problems or complications arising. People quite often have "delusions of grandeur" whenever they think about their services and contributions to humanity.

Somewhere in America a very ordinary young man started to have nightmares about being someone else. Time after time he would let the adults within his household know that his wife and children were still living in France. His parents were very surprised by these statements and they informed him to ignore the dreams. The boy also stated that he was the victim of a very sadistic murder at the hand of a dear friend.

Many months had gone by but this young man continued to tell the story about his former existence to everyone that he met. People informed the parents to take the child to see a psychiatrist. With no other options available these parents did indeed take their son to see a professional doctor. The psychiatrist placed the boy into a hypnotic trance and gathered information.

Great details were given about the boys former existence and the people that he was involved with. After this evidence was presented to his parents they decided to visit this special place in France. They would locate the dead man's family and find out the truth about certain events. Eventually this would help the man's soul find some type of rest.

After some thorough searching these eager parents were finally able to locate their sons alleged family of his past life. It was indeed true that this man had been murdered and he did have a family of six living in a small village. Unfortunately the murder was never solved since there was really no evidence of this crime.

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