Friday, January 17, 2014

For Messy Divorces A Private Investigator Clovis CA Has Available Is Needed

By Marissa Velazquez

In some cases divorces do end amicably. Both partners walk away with an understanding of how to divide time with the kids and even the assets. These type of divorces end out of court and everyone walks away happy. Sadly though, not all divorces end that way. If you plan on separating, and anticipate going to court, then a private investigator Clovis CA region has to offer would be helpful. These are a few reasons how a detective could be of good use during this proceeding.

Dividing the assets is one of the things that needs to be addressed during a divorce. This determines who gets what in the end, including custody of the kids, division of the house, vehicles and other personal items. Often times out of spite a spouse may transfer some of their property to someone else. This is done so that their former spouse does not get half of that. They may also have a hidden checking or savings account that their spouse is unaware of. A detective will utilize their resources to find these kinds of things.

It's difficult to have to pay your former spouse money for alimony when you know they are spending it with someone who lives with them. In most states if a person has a live in partner or remarries, then the alimony stops. This is why you want to have strong evidence against your spouse, if you know they have someone new already living with them while you are paying alimony.

Alimony however is not granted in some states to people who have been unfaithful in the marriage. Therefore if you plan to file a divorce due to infidelity, it is important to gather evidence of such infidelity. This proof can be through phone records, recordings of conversations that proofs there was cheating, or even pictures.

During a divorce a judge may give one parent primary custody of the children. The other parent will then be ordered to pay child support. It is frustrating to give your hard earned money for your child, and know that your ex is using that for his or her own personal use, or to fund outings with a new partner. It's even more frustrating to try and present that in court without any evidence. It would all just come down to hearsay, which is not strong in front of a judge.

The ending of a marriage can also bring a great deal of overwhelming emotions. These may even cause someone to turn to alcohol, drugs or other activities to try and cope with the emotions. As the primary custodial parent however, this can put the little ones at risk. If you feel your spouse is living a dangerous lifestyle unfit for the children, then you will also need evidence to present to the judge.

In situations where you feel your child is being abused or being neglected by the primary caregiver, then you want to gain custody. In order to prove that your ex is unfit to be the primary caregiver you will need proof. Simply going to a judge and saying what you've seen or heard will not suffice. You need evidence that shows why your ex is unfit to care for the children.

Not every divorce is messy and difficult, but you just want to be prepared. If you do have to go to court, you want to be prepared and have evidence to show the judge. So if you are planning on getting a divorce then seeking out a lawyer and a private investigator Clovis CA has to offer is the right step.

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