Sunday, April 20, 2014

Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim Or Someone Else

By Essie Osborn

Religion has grown overtime to become a complicated matter and perhaps many have passed on with so many unanswered questions in their lives. Today, many are asking one common and yet very dangerous question, will the antichrist be a Muslim or someone else. It is hard to tell this without looking at what the Bible says concerning this matter.

When the Bible says that there are so many antichrists already, it means that there are people who are busy doing the job of leading the children of God astray. Because they believe so much in the things that are not of God, they take charge of the world and make deceit to prosper. This is what is going to be the order of the day during those days.

Daniel says that the fourth beast shall diverse from all the Kingdoms of the earth. This ruler shall devour the earth, tread it all down and break it down to pieces. Ten kings, represented by ten horns, shall arise from the Roman Empire and the least of the horns shall rise to mighty power and conquer the rest. According to the Bible, this person is going to be the false spiritual leader. He is the antichrist.

Three out of the ten horns are subdued. This is because they are against the rise to power of this false spiritual leader. Because they will be against him, they will definitely object his desire to rise to power on the kingdom of the earth. From this time onwards, this false spiritual leader begins to reign and he is to be so powerful that so many people are going to fall prey of his deceit.

When you dig deeper into Biblical facts, you will realize that the beast is actually that kind of person who is completely against the truth, the teaching of Jesus and the real ways of the kingdom of God. It does not mention anything to do with Islamic religion. The beast will come to bring false peace for the better part of his authority, but then if you read further in the Bible, he shall declare himself superior than God and begin to control the earth.

Look at the Islamic faith, and you will find out that they are not against Jesus nor are they contrary to what he taught. In fact, the Islamic community believes in Jesus, just as Christians do believe that he is the son of God. It is hard to tell that someone who believes in the other would actually be against them.

The entire analogy actually shows that this person is less likely to come from the Islam community. In fact, it does not mean that he is going to be a Muslim. If you take some moment to read your Bible and try finding out acts about the coming of the Son of Man, the tribulation and the Day of Judgment, one question will rise; who really is the antichrist.

The Roman Empire has always been under the leadership of the Europeans. The Empire large, constituting a larger part of the European nations and a smaller part of the Northern Africa. There is no real information that says that Arabs or Muslims rather have a false spiritual leader who will rise among them.

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